Kashi on the Trident of Lord Shiva
It is believed that Varanasi is situated on the trident of Lord Shiva. Varanasi (Visheshvara) exists on the middle fork of trident of Lord Shiva, Omkareshvara on the north fork and Kedareshvara on south fork of trident of Lord Shiva (Omkareshvara, Visheshvara, Kedareshvara). Lord Shiva always lives here invisibly and flow the energy from his hair in the form of Ganga River. Varanasi is the oldest city in the world and older than history. Varanasi has destroyed four times by Muslim invaders between 11th to 17th centuries but it has re-built. In the Varanasi, there are over 3000 Hindu temples, 1400 Mosque, 12 Churches, 3 Jain temples, 9 Buddhist temple and 3 sikh temples. Varanasi is denoted by various names such as Varanasi, Kashi, Banaras, Mahasmashana, Avimukta, Anandvan, Rudravasa etc.
The word Kashi is taken from Atharva Ved which means ‘concentration of cosmic light’. Kashi gives Moksha (liberation) to everybody. Kashi is originated from name of Kasha who was seventh king of Kashi. Devout Hindu of the city called it Kashi because the rays of the sun in morning spread across the river and strike high banked face of the city.
This city is called Varanasi (Varuna + Assi) because it is lying between Varuna River (north side) and Assi stream (south side). It is believed that Varuna and Assi is originated from left and right legs of Lord Vishnu lying at Allahabad (Prayag) and both the river is were created by God and place to guard the entrance of evil.
This city is denoted by Banaras or Banarasi by Buddhist literature. Pali version became more popular. In the time of Muslim ruler and British ruler, this city was popular by Banaras. One meaning of Banaras is also popular as: Banaras = Bana (readymade) Ras (Juice), thus Banarase means a place where readymade juice of life is always available.
According to the literature Lord Shiva said “Because I never forsake it, this great place is therefore known as Avimukta (‘never forsaken’).
Lord Shiva explains: “My ling are everywhere there, like little sprouts arisen out of sheer enjoyment” (mentioned in Kashi Rahasya). Thus it is known as forest of enjoyment (Anand+Van=Anandvan).
This city is denoted by Rudravasa because Lord Shiva lives here and protect it.
Mahasmashana, The ground of great cremation:
The whole city is the ground of cremation which controller is Lord Shiva. The word Mahasmashana is explains as: Maha (greate), Sma (dead body), and Shan (final rest). All the five gross elements (earth, water, air, fire and sky) live here like corpses. At present there are two cremation ghats (Harishchandra ghat, Manikarnika ghat) in Varanasi. More than 50,000 dead bodies are cremated here in a year. People come here from all other parts of India to die for relief from transmigration.
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